The Outer Banks Community Foundation is by far the largest nonprofit on the Outer Banks. Founded 40 years ago by author David Stick, actor Andy Griffith and others, over the years it has played a vital role in supporting the Outer Banks Community and local nonprofits.
The organization was able to finally old its annual meeting this year after having to take a few years off because of COVID, and what was announced today at it’s Jennette’s Pier meeting was truly surprising.
From the time the organization was founded, it has operated out of a beautiful flat top cottage on Skyline Drive in Southern Shores. The building was donated to the OBCF by David Stick.
But as Executive Director Chris Sawin pointed out today, the organization has grown significantly in the past two years and there are simply too many employees in too small a space to operate effectively anymore.
So the organization will be moving to the old Southern Bank building in Manteo. According to Sawin, the bank sold the building to the OBCF at significantly below market value.
Unfortunately the only practical way to go about effecting the move is to sell the Skyline Drive property. That is unfortunate but it’s hard to see another way to move forward.
There was another major announcement to day. The organization handed out the largest single grant they have ever awarded today. The grant, called an Impact Grant, was given to the Saving Lives Task Force and local organization that helps people recover from drug and alcohol abuse. The grant was a one time $40,000 grant. The $40,000 was a direct reference to the OBCF’s 40th anniversary.
Outer Banks, NC is a remarkable giving community that calls out to be explored. Come and be a part of it for a week or two while staying in a Brindley Beach Vacations home and discover what makes this sandbar by the sea such a wonderful place.