28 Jun 2019
The salps are here. A salp is a clear, small, gelatinous organism that is washing up on Outer Banks beaches.
The salps are here. A salp is a clear, small, gelatinous organism that is washing up on Outer Banks beaches.
Thanks to the shark tracking folks at OCEARCH we now know what we’ve pretty much already known. There are sharks near the Outer Banks swimming off the coast.
The pufferfish are back… specifically the Northern pufferfish…or blow toads…or for the scientifically oriented Sphoeroides maculatus.
It’s early winter on the Outer Banks and the humpback whales are back. Every year, just about this time, humpback whales are seen passing off shore.
The Mid Currituck Bridge has never come this close to breaking ground and suddenly news has come that it may be on the fiscal chopping block.